Kioxia to achieve Net-zero GHG emissions by 2050
Kioxia Group says that, by FY2050, the company aims to achieve net-zero in terms of the company’s Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, namely direct emissions from its business sites, and in terms of Scope 2 emissions resulting from its use of purchased energy.
Kioxia Group will thereby accelerate its efforts to address climate change, one of its key management objectives. The Group has already set a target of procuring 100% of its energy from renewable sources by FY2040 and has now added direct emissions from its business sites, making our net-zero goal a more comprehensive one covering emissions resulting from all of our business activities.
To achieve this goal, Kioxia will continue with its efforts to install equipment that will eliminate the emission of perfluorocarbons (PFCs) —gases with high global warming potential—at all of its manufacturing facilities constructed since 2011. In terms of energy procurement, the company will continue to install energy-efficient manufacturing equipment and power equipment. From FY2022, Kioxia has been installing solar power generation systems at the Kitakami and Yokkaichi plants—the largest of their kind at any semiconductor plant in Japan—and began purchasing electricity generated from these on-site systems under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model. The company is also moving forward with the procurement of FIT non-fossil certificates, commonly used renewable energy certificates in Japan.
“We are committed to implementing measures to combat climate change, which is an urgent issue for the international community, and to helping address various social issues, including global environmental challenges, in order to facilitate the development of a sustainable society,” said Nobuo Hayasaka, President and CEO of Kioxia Holdings Corporation.
“Climate change countermeasures are an important management issue, and we will continue to promote technological innovation in our manufacturing processes and improvements in the energy efficiency of our products, aiming to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions,” added Tomoharu Watanabe, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer in Charge of Sustainability, Kioxia Holdings Corporation.