Semiconductor Research Corporation announces 2024 call for research
Semiconductor Research Corporation is announcing the start of solicitation season with $13.8 million in funding opportunities.
Calls for research will begin in early April and will run through June. Research programs releasing solicitations include Nanomanufacturing Materials and Processes (Apr 10); Packaging + Center for Heterogeneous Integration Research in Packaging (Apr 10); Hardware Security (May 7); Computer-Aided Design and Test (May 7); and Environment, Safety, and Health (May 7). Details and submission information will be available at beginning April 10, 2024.
Research ideas selected for 3-year projects should align with the Microelectronics and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) Roadmap. Building upon the 2030 Decadal Plan for Semiconductors, the MAPT Roadmap serves as a guiding light for initiatives such as the National Semiconductor Technology Center, the National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program, and SMART USA Institute, the industry-led CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute bid. Both the Decadal Plan and the MAPT Roadmap are the results of collaboration between hundreds of industry and academic experts. By aligning our research call to the MAPT Roadmap, we ensure that selected research proposals address topics of utmost importance to the semiconductor industry.
Along with creating critical, industry-relevant technology, these calls will fund degrees for between 50 to 100 student scholars of diverse ethnicity, gender, and geography. The semiconductor industry is facing a severe talent shortfall in coming years. While SRC programs have prepared 20% of all semiconductor Ph.D. in the United States, we are committed to growing our student base by fostering a balanced mix of bachelors, masters, and Ph.D.-level grads while helping students of all backgrounds to feel comfortable and safe pursuing their chosen career. SRC welcomes submissions from US and international colleges and universities that sponsor bachelor’s degrees to postdocs. SRC members include global leaders in the semiconductor industry who are committed to investing in revolutionary research, a more diverse and inclusive community, and a long-term, worldwide outlook for sustainability. Learn more at