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SUSS MicroTec Launches Temporary Bonder for High-Volume Production

SUSS MicroTec, a supplier of equipment and process solutions for the semiconductor and related markets, has launched the XBS300 Temporary Bonder, SUSS MicroTec's latest generation of high volume manufacturing temporary bond systems. This Bond Cluster is configured to temporarily bond 200mm and 300mm wafers for 3D integration applications as well as other processes that require thin wafer handling. SUSS MicroTec's XBS300 offers a high throughput capability resulting in a superior cost-of-ownership as well as a sophisticated process control to meet customers' demands and expectations for high volume temporary bonding applications. The temporary bonding of wafers is one of the crucial process steps of 3D integration.

The XBS300 supports all currently available temporary bonding adhesives. Its versatility allows a variety of process configurations suited for very low force bonds such as the Thin Materials (TMAT) process or the 3M Wafer Support System (WSS) as well as higher force thermo-compression bonds as used in the BrewerScience ZoneBOND process. Key process steps for temporary bonding with the XBS300 include adhesive and release layer deposition, temporary bonding and curing and integrated metrology to determine the total thickness variation (TTV).

At this point in time a number of renowned material manufacturers are working on the development of new temporary bonding adhesives that are fully compatible with SUSS' XBS300 equipment platform.

'The XBS300 Temporary Bonding System is our answer to an increasing demand for processing systems that meet the requirements of future High Volume Production expected for 2013,' says Frank P. Averdung, President and CEO of SÜSS MicroTec AG. 'The XBS300 is based on our ACS300 Gen2 cluster platform, already established in the industry as proven workhorse for high volume production, ensuring high levels of efficiency and reliability. The utilization of this common platform strategy is one of the major gains from the geographic consolidation of three product lines under one roof in our Sternenfels facility. With the XBS300 - our latest innovation - we round off a product portfolio which perfectly addresses the future requirements of our customers.'


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