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TSMC Fab12 Phase 4 Awarded Taiwan's First "Green Factory Label"


TSMC's Fab 12 Phase 4 facility located in the Hsinchu Science Park has earned certification from the R.O.C. Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) to gain Taiwan's first "Green Factory Label".

This recognition highlights TSMC's commitment to mitigating climate change and protecting the environment, and sets a new milestone for Taiwan's green manufacturing. TSMC's Fab 12 Phase 4 facility has also gained gold-class certification from the U.S. Green Building Council's "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design"“New Construction" (LEED-NC) standard, and diamond-class certification from Taiwan's "Ecology, Energy Saving, Waste Reduction and Health" (EEWH) standard.

The facility is also certified under the ISO 50001 energy management system. The Fab 12 Phase 4 facility is one of the firm's four 12" GIGAFABs Taiwan's "Green Factory Label" is the world's first green certification system designed for factories, and examines both "green building construction" and "clean production". Applicants must first gain the Ministry of the Interior's green building label as well as clean production certification from the IDB.

The concept for the "Green Factory Label" originated at TSMC's Green Forum in 2008, and TSMC continued to work with regulatory agencies to integrate industry views and set a standard for green factories. The "Green Factory Label" is claimed to be the world's first comprehensive certification system that combines green production (energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and pollution prevention), green transportation, employee health, surrounding ecosystems, and corporate social responsibility, putting Taiwan at the forefront of setting international standards.  

TSMC pledged in 2005 that all new factories and office buildings would be built to the most up-to-date green building standards. Currently, TSMC has the most green buildings of any company in Taiwan, with five LEED gold and three EEWH diamond certifications.

The firm not only plans to extend the "Green Factory Label" to all newly-built factories, but will also continue to upgrade existing factories in line with "Green Factory" standards. In addition to Fab 12 Phase 4, Fab14 Phase 3 has already gained "green building and "clean production" certifications and has entered the final accreditation process. What's more, Fab 12 Phase 5 and Fab 14 Phase 4 were all among the first facilities to gain the IDB's "clean production" certification.

"TSMC is dedicated to effective green management and building a world-class green enterprise," said TSMC Spokesperson and Senior Vice President Ms. Lora Ho. "From green R&D to green manufacturing, green productions, green supply chain, green buildings and green factories, we have shown our determination to carry out our corporate social responsibility and live in harmony with the environment."

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