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STMicro to continue investing in Singapore technology park

STMicroelectronics's new technology park in Ang Mo Kio, Singapore has been officially inaugurated by Singapore minister for trade and industry Lim Hng Kian.
STMicroelectronicss new technology park in Ang Mo Kio, Singapore has been officially inaugurated by Singapore minister for trade and industry Lim Hng Kian.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by STMicro president and chief executive officer Pasquale Pistorio, the chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board, local dignitaries and some of the companys major customers and suppliers.

"The park demonstrates the integral role Singapore plays in STMicro's global business operations and is the natural evolution of our growth in Singapore, Asia and around the world," said Pistorio.

The technology park houses one 200mm and two 150mm wafer fabrication plants and two new headquarters containing research and development, IC design, sales, marketing and training facilities.

The site is also home to STMicro's first Singapore-based (125mm) wafer fabrication plant and IC design centre, which was set up 20 years ago.

To date, STMicro has spent around $2.4 billion in the park and the European chip maker is planning to invest a further $1.2 billion by the end of 2006. STMicro currently employs around 6,000 people at the development.

"We will continue to grow and enhance our capabilities here to take advantage of a growing Asia-Pacific and world-wide semiconductor market thanks to the skills and dedication of our employees in Singapore," said Pistorio.

The 200mm wafer fab at the park is mostly dedicated to the production of Flash memories based on 0.10 micron technology while the 150mm fabs concentrate on a mix of products based on other non-volatile memories, power and CMOS.

At full production capacity, the 176,000m2 park is capable of producing up to 100,000 wafers per week.
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