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Progressive explosives detection device technology

Sense Holdings, Inc, developer of next-generation biometric and explosive detection security technologies for government and commercial security markets, announced an important recent progress report under a research and development project with the U.S. government's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Sense Holdings, Inc, developer of next-generation biometric and explosive detection security technologies for government and commercial security markets, announced an important recent progress report under a research and development project with the U.S. government's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The plan unvield is to develop a new line of handheld multipurpose explosive and chemical detection device products for the global homeland security marketplace.

Sense is developing proprietary advanced Micro Electromechanical Sensor (MEMS) technology to create a line of low-cost, multi-use, handheld detection devices that security and law enforcement personnel can use to screen for concealed explosives, narcotics and chemical and biological threats. Sense is developing the technology under a joint research and development project with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), an advanced research facility managed through the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Oak Ridge-based scientific team working under the Sense Holdings agreement has designed a new generation of explosives detection chips that have shown improved sensory capabilities in ongoing experiments. These MEMS-chip components will be used to enable more sensitive detection of a variety of explosive materials that could be used in concealed bombs. The new-generation MEMS chips are also smaller than previous versions, with each chip now measuring 2mm x 3mm yet containing six sensors.

"Additional research and development will enable us to develop more chips for testing, which will ultimately go into the final product," said Bruce Warmack, Principal Investigator on the Oak Ridge/Sense joint development project. "Our goal is to produce a range of different chip sets for different applications, with each chip set having perhaps a dozen or more sensors, each responsible for sniffing out, or sensing, different types of chemical, biological and narcotic agents."

A combination of U.S. agencies over the past decade has dedicated about $10 million to ORNL for the further development of this MEMS-based sensor technology, including the US Department of Energy.
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