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MONA announces the publication of a European Roadmap for Photonics and Nanotechnologies

The MONA project announces the publication of a European Roadmap for
Photonics and Nanotechnologies.

The MONA project has been funded by the European Commission within its 6th Framework Programme. This roadmap can be obtained in electronic format from MONA at no charge.

Photonics and Nanotechnologies are highly multi-disciplinary fields and two of the principal enabling technologies for the 21st century. They are key technology drivers for industry sectors such as information technologies, communication, biotechnologies, transport, and manufacturing. Photonics/nanophotonics and nanomaterials/nanotechnologies can benefit from each other in terms of new functions, materials, fabrication processes and applications.

The MONA Roadmap identifies potential synergies between photonics/nanophotonics and nanomaterials/nanotechnologies. The challenge of mastering nano-electronics and nano-photonics science and technologies at an industrial scale is of utmost strategic importance for the competitiveness of the European industry in a global context.

There are three principal objectives for the MONA Roadmap:
1. Create a consensus viewpoint on the development of research, technologies and innovation in the areas of photonics and nanotechnologies.
2. Promote the timely world-wide exchange on scientific results, market development perspectives, and technology trends related to photonics and nanotechnologies.
3. Contribute to the intelligent deployment of resources at the regional, national, and European levels for the development of photonics and nanotechnologies.

A major component of the MONA Roadmap is the identification of the highestpriority economic growth areas, taking into account market size, market growth, and the positioning of European industry and research in these areas.

Highlights of the MONA Roadmap are:
· Nanophotonics benefits for 9 key applications
· Nanomaterials challenges and impact
· The most important nanophotonic devices
· Recommendations for European science and industry
· Custom-made roadmapping methodology
· 10-year roadmap for 12 key nanomaterials
· 10-year roadmap for 9 key types of equipment and processes
· 10-year roadmap on 9 key applications and related markets

Eleven of Europe's main players in nanophotonics have created the MONA Roadmap, led by the CEA LETI, and including Acreo AB, AIXTRON AG, Alcatel-Thales III-V LAB, ASM-International, the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), IMEC, Optics Valley, Schott AG, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH (VDI TZ), and Yole Développement.

The MONA Roadmap is the outcome of a two year process. Over 300 professionals coming from all over the world have contributed to the contents of
the Roadmap.

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