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Kurrle signs Corridor agreement


State of Vermont, University of Vermont are founding members of the Northeast Semiconductor Manufacturing Corridor.

The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with several Quebec organizations and the University of Vermont to establish the Northeast Semiconductor Manufacturing Corridor as a hub for innovation and advanced manufacturing.

“This partnership is vital to Vermont’s semiconductor industry and economic development,” says Commerce Secretary Lindsay Kurrle who signed the MOU on behalf of the state of Vermont. “This cross-border collaboration with Quebec and other northeastern states will make us stronger and more resilient and lead to the creation and retention of high-quality jobs throughout the Green Mountain State.”

“As global pressures increase, North America must unite to secure its semiconductor supply chain,” said Michel Belval, president of the AmCham Quebec chapter. “This partnership exemplifies how collaboration across borders can drive innovation, protect economic stability, and address strategic challenges in a rapidly evolving world.”

The MOU focuses on four key areas:

• Developing a resilient supply chain for uninterrupted access to critical components.

• Facilitating policy coordination to mitigate the impact of trade barriers.

• Recognizing semiconductors as critical to economic and national security.

• Positioning North America as a global leader in technological innovation while fostering economic prosperity throughout the region.

Semiconductors are Vermont’s leading commodity export. In 2023, the industry sold $650 million worth of semiconductors to buyers around the world.

Semiconductors are also the centerpiece of V-GaN, Vermont’s Tech Hub which is spearheaded by the University of Vermont and GlobalFoundries. V-GaN was just awarded $23 million by the U.S. Economic Development Authority to develop, produce, and manufacture GaN (gallium nitride) chips, which are more durable and efficient than silicon chips and have a broad range of uses from telecommunications to defense to increased electrification.

Semiconductors are not the exclusive focus of this new long-term alliance. The Northeast Semiconductor Manufacturing Corridor is also aimed at advancing the fields of electronics, quantum technologies, and other technological innovations.

In addition to the State of Vermont, AmCham Quebec, and the University of Vermont, the coalition currently includes:

• Technum Québec – Innovation Zone in Electronics and Semiconductors

• Distriq – Quantum Innovation Zone

• C2MI – MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre

• ISEQ – Pôle d’excellence de l’Industrie des Systèmes Électroniques du Québec

• Université de Sherbrooke

• Conseil du patronat du Québec

In the coming weeks, other states, institutions, and organizations are expected to join this movement.

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