Online event Globalizing the Power of Digital Olfaction through Standards & Protocols

Dec 9, 2020 at 14:00 GMT
FREE Registeration here:
Digital olfaction—the ability to sense and identify odors utilizing highly sensitive photonic biosensors and interpretative software—is revolutionizing consumer and industrial applications from food quality to smart home tech. Recent progress and utility within so many wide ranging applications has been led by digital olfaction instruments—the challenge with so many sensors adding olfactory information to ever-growing databases is the lack of consistency in data formats and analysis coming from instruments designed by different companies. As exciting as these technologies have become, achieving their true potential depends on common standards for digital odor sensing.
Much like the standards that enabled microelectronic and photonic technologies to reshape the world, similar standards are needed within digital olfaction to enable faster adoption and interoperability. Join the experts from Aryballe and IFF on 9nd December 2020 (previously advertised for 2nd December 2020), to learn how the adoption of common standards and protocols can enable positive impacts on the development of everything from automobile interiors to wearable tech.