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Infineon and Amkor sign MoU


Plan to stimulate sustainable action across the supply chain.

Infineon Technologies has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Amkor Technology, a leading provider of semiconductor packaging and test services, with a joint commitment to stimulate decarbonization and sustainability strategies across the supply chain.

Expanding their partnership towards sustainability is the next step in the sustainability journey of both companies. Infineon and Amkor intend to fully leverage their classical Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) business relationship in order to effectively tackle emissions along their supply chain. In April, both companies announced to operate a dedicated packaging and test center at Amkor’s manufacturing site in Porto, Portugal.

As part of the cooperation for climate protection, Infineon and Amkor will actively engage with common suppliers to help them develop and implement effective decarbonization strategies. This will involve workshops, meetings, and the sharing of best practices and learnings related to decarbonization. The aim is to identify areas for improvement and support suppliers in setting science-based emissions reduction targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative. Both companies are committed to providing ongoing guidance, fostering exchange, and tracking progress to drive continuous improvement across the common supply chain.

“Infineon has made excellent progress towards its aim to become CO 2-neutral for scope 1 and 2 by 2030, as the company more than halved its emissions while doubling the revenue since 2019. Supply-chain-related Scope-3-emissions represent the highest share of total emissions at Infineon and are the hardest ones to minimize,” said Angelique van der Burg, Chief Procurement Officer at Infineon. “That makes it even more important to include them in our efforts. But no one can do it alone. We need to actively collaborate and drive innovation with our suppliers if we want to effectively reduce CO 2 emissions. This is of ample importance not only for Infineon and Amkor, but also for society at large. Therefore, we are happy to join forces with Amkor on this.”

“Amkor is excited to deepen its partnership with Infineon through this strategic collaboration. Addressing Scope 3 is the most challenging part of the decarbonization journey, and we anticipate mutual benefits from this collective work in undertaking the challenge,” said Giel Rutten, President and Chief Executive Officer of Amkor. “This initiative is pivotal in achieving Amkor’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 by strengthening supply chain engagement through joint efforts. We look forward to collaborating with suppliers and invite them to join our endeavor to set ambitious science-based targets. Together, we are committed to driving positive environmental impact across our value chain.”

To support Infineon’s science-based target commitment and enhance the collaboration with suppliers, Infineon introduced a supplier engagement program in 2023. Since then, the company has been working with more than a hundred suppliers to set and implement science-based targets. The partnership between Amkor and Infineon provides an impetus for the strategy of both companies to make science-based targets the standard for ambitious climate strategies in the semiconductor industry.

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