SPEA achieves Platinum Status in Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) VAP Recognition Program

SPEA announced that it has earned the “Platinum Status” for its headquarters facility (“Spea 1” in Volpiano, Italy) in accordance with the principles of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), the world's largest industry coalition dedicated to responsible business conduct in global supply chains.
The company’s headquarters achieved this recognition after an independent, third-party audit by a firm approved by the RBA to executive the VAP protocol, for meeting the RBA Code of Conduct in terms of labor, ethics, environment, safety, and health, at the highest levels.
“The principles of corporate social responsibility are a fundamental part of SPEA’s DNA. This result represents a further recognition of our fair and sincere approach to sustainable management” said Lorenzo Bonaria, Executive Vice President. “As a human being before being an entrepreneur, I’m proud to say that, above and beyond the legal compliance, we have created a culture of sustainability, respect and inclusion in the company: We constantly invest in every identity, every idea, and every different vision in our common commitment to a bright future”.
At SPEA, all people understand that CSR activities are important for respecting the human rights of workers and helping build a sustainable society. The company aligns under a set of common values and principles regarding workforce and labor standards, human rights, sustainability and anti-corruption.
SPEA has been building a supply chain that takes labor, health and safety, the environment and ethics into account, regarding the RBA Code of Conduct as the code of conduct for its supply chain and requesting suppliers to work on CSR activities, in line with social needs and continuous value creation.
The standards set out in SPEA’s Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards including but not limited to the RBA Code of Conduct, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises plus ISO and SA standards.
SPEA headquarters facility (“Spea 1” in Volpiano, Italy) was assessed by an independent, third-party firm approved by the RBA. The assessment is valid until February 23rd, 2025.