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Everspin expands Toggle MRAM product portfolio


Everspin Technologies, developer and manufacturer of Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) persistent memory solutions has announced the world’s first 32Mb Toggle MRAM product. Everspin’s new 32Mb Toggle MRAM (MR5A16A) provides twice the capacity of its current 16Mb solution and enables critical applications, such as storing configurations and setup and data logging in embedded systems that need a higher density option, while also providing the proven benefits of Everspin’s Toggle MRAM.

The new 32Mb device expands the target applications beyond what the Company is currently addressing with its existing Toggle products and has been sampled with several industry leaders in the gaming, industrial and military/aerospace markets. This device offers higher capacity while maintaining fast read and write access speeds and robust 20-year data retention inherent in all of Everspin’s Toggle devices. In addition, as with other Everspin Toggle products, the 32Mb option provides unlimited cycle endurance for reads and writes across a variety of temperatures, ranging from -40C to +125C, and is available in both BGA and TSOP standard package types for maximum design and system flexibility.

“Due to increasing data sets evolving across a wide range of IoT and industrial applications, our customers are looking for reliable, higher-density persistent memory options to replace legacy SRAM systems,” said Troy Winslow, VP of Global Sales at Everspin Technologies, Inc. “As critical applications push past the current 16Mb capacity, our customers will quickly benefit from our 32Mb Toggle MRAM solution.”

“As our data needs continuously expand, we require a higher-density, durable and persistent memory that matches our product’s fast access time and small footprint requirements,” said Alain Farine, Senior Hardware R&D Manager at JAG Jakob. “Everspin’s 32Mb Toggle MRAM is the non-volatile memory solution we need for our Unified Memory Model.” JAG Jakob is a leading supplier of robotics and factory automation equipment based in Switzerland.

In addition, Everspin announced new 2Mb (MR1A16A) and 8Mb (MR3A16A) Toggle MRAM products to better serve customers that require more economical solutions for lower data capacity requirements. These densities complement the 1Mb, 4Mb and 16Mb devices that Everspin has been producing for years. With these new additions, Everspin now offers a complete portfolio of Toggle MRAM devices, spanning 128Kb to 32Mb in serial and parallel interfaces and several popular packaging options.

The 32Mb and 8Mb Toggle MRAM devices are currently sampling and will be in production the first quarter of 2020. The 2Mb will be sampling later this quarter, with production also following in the first quarter.

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